
What do you know about venezuelan? What are their fauvorite sports? Who is the most known Venezuelan around the world?

Some of these questions we can easily respond, like Hugo Chavez (ex-dictator (ops)) and baseball (the sport number one in Venezuela).

What people usually don’t know is that the most of venezuelans are hard working people of spanish descent without much native american blood. They are divided between city dwellers and agricultural people. They were probably not happy with Hugo Chavez because they remember the ‘good old days’ when Venezuela was thriving.

The venezuelan women are extremally sexy and beautiful, don’t you beleive it? So here it goes!

Venezuelan women are hot : Aída Yéspica, Gaby Espino, Dayana Mendoza, Norkys Batista, Patricia Velásquez, Carolina Marconi, Norelys Rodriguez , Christina Dieckmann, Sonia Vera and so on
Venezuelan women are hot :
Aída Yéspica, Gaby Espino, Dayana Mendoza, Norkys Batista, Patricia Velásquez, Carolina Marconi, Norelys Rodriguez , Christina Dieckmann, Sonia Vera and so on

It is really hard to determine which are the Venezuelan stereotypes, so I did a research in many sites to create this unique post.  Even, if I met a few venezuelans , I decided to google it and discover what the world thinks about venezuelans.

Venezuelans are a mixture between lots of ethnic groups so we can’t describe the Venezuelans with physics stereotypes. Almost all the stereotypes of Venezuelans are corrects but in foreign countries, they have a lot of stereotypes about Venezuela as a country, those stereotypes are:


  • Very energetic, happy people and they always related Venezuela with Baseball.
  • Venezuelans like to dance and party:
  • Venezuelans are happy: in fact, Venezuela has and keep the Guinness record for having the happiest population on the world.
  • Venezuelans are kind. If you go to Venezuela and you’re lost, in almost all times, Venezuelans will help you as hard they can, maybe they can take you to your destination, sounds good?


  • Is always related about politician things.
  • They are brand fascinated (or overvaluae a brand). In general in Caracas they tend to overvalue and brag about the thing that they have even if they can’t afford them. Some people will buy really cheap jeans and then change the tag of those jeans for Levis.
  • Venezuela is only jungles.
"Hated by the entrenched classes, Hugo Chavez will live forever in history. My friend, rest finally in a peace long earned." — Oliver Stone, who produced a film about Chavez and his leftist allies.
“Hated by the entrenched classes, Hugo Chavez will live forever in history. My friend, rest finally in a peace long earned.” — Oliver Stone, who produced a film about Chavez and his leftist allies.

In Venezuela even though they have a lot of rivers and tropical jungles, that’s not the only thing in Venezuela, they have great cities, deserts, high mountains with snow, plains, a lot of beautiful beaches and many others things. They think about jungle because Venezuela is in a tropical area and Venezuelan wonders are majorly natural.

It is important to mention, that, as well as with the American Stereotypes, in Venezuela they have a lot of people, from very different cultures that has different thoughts about life and so different backgrounds, and may be, are not as the common stereotypes.

Meanwhile in Venezuela - Venezuelans are very nice people that always like to support who needs it.
Meanwhile in Venezuela – Venezuelans are very nice people that always like to support who needs it.

Some generalization about Venezuelans could be that we usually do not follow the rules, for example in the streets, and driving. Venezuelan people, are disorganized, and in some cases very unpunctual. Nowadays, Venezuela is very related with the baseball, this is because we have a very strong baseball team, and in the aspects of football (soccer), we are not that recognized.

In the other hand, Venezuelan people, give a lot of importance to friendship, and when you have a friend, it is important to be by her or his side anytime, because, for as, truly friends, can be count with one hand.

they always related Venezuela with Baseball.
People always relates Venezuela with Baseball. / by : La Hualde

Finally, I think that Venezuelan stereotypes, are nothing but south american stereotypes with similar tastes, and thoughts and this kind of stuffs. Remember, it’s just a stereotype, doesn’t have to be right, and please don’t get emotional over stereotype.

Evil Empire of Venzeweelah
Evil Empire of Venzeweelah / by : Alpha Designer


Venezuelans icons


Simon Diaz is the most known singer in Venezuela
Simon Diaz is the most known singer in Venezuela / by : Sergio Adll

Simon Diaz is a very important singer on Venezuela that represents them as a country. He represented them in the Latin Grammies. He sings a typical type of music in Venezuela called “Musica Llanera”.


Parchita Juice
Parchita Juice / by : Maria Fernanda Acosta Ruiz

Instead of a lot of soda in each meal they use to drink a lot of natural juices what is really healthy because those juices have less sugar than a soda, have no fats and no colorant. The most known juice is “Parchita (passion fruit) juice:” (Jugo de Parchita).


Arepas are a Venezuelan typical food.
Arepas are a Venezuelan typical food. / by : A bread a day

Arepas are a Venezuelan typical food made with corn flour and is healthier than hamburger too because you can grill it, fry it, or cook it. And after that you open it with a knife to the half and put whatever you want, like cheese, meat,chicken etc.

Some Venezuelan Jokes

Meanwhile in Venezuela / by *x-Nekopunch-x
Meanwhile in Venezuela / by *x-Nekopunch-x
Meanwhile in Venezuela / by *x-Nekopunch-x
Meanwhile in Venezuela / by *x-Nekopunch-x
You bet yout arepa. I'm Venezuelan
You bet yout arepas. I’m Venezuelan
Venezuelan President’s Death Sparks Online Memes, Jokes About Hugo Chavez
Venezuelan President’s Death Sparks Online Memes, Jokes About Hugo Chavez
Only in Venezuela can happens - A girl with 9 years riding a motocycle
Only in Venezuela can happens – A girl with 9 years riding a motocycle
Only in Venezuela can happens - Take a bus is to weak people
Only in Venezuela can happens – Take a bus is to weak people
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Have you ever asked yourself what the world think about you just because you were born in a certain nation? Of course that there are a variety of common national stereotypes about the inhabitants of various nations, held by inhabitants of other nations. Such stereotypes are usually prejudicial and often ill-informed, and often overlap with ethnic or racial stereotypes. However, some stereotypes may be positive. Well, this blog stereotypes the nations, stereotypes the WORLD is the WORD!


  1. you forgot to add that when a venezuelan hears a motorcycle, specially in the night he/she would run away faster than you can think… :p

    Having two cellphones, one cheap as to give the robbers and an expansive one hidden in the underwear.

    I'm Venezuelan.

  2. so freaking true man XD
    plus we are pioneers in the art of saying hi to the dearest of friends by insulting him or her while laughing or with a simle….
    what can i say? i'm Venezuelan too

  3. As you mentioned, it is hard to determine which are the Venezuelan stereotypes. I created a short list of tips to make our -Venezuelan women- lives easier by helping guys understand one of the most beautiful women in the world 🙂

    Do you think I’m missing something?

  4. “…people of spanish descent without much native american blood”

    You’re joking, right? Have you ever been to Venezuela or are you just another ignorant American?
    Or perhaps your views are based on watching the novelas? Talk about stereotypes. Yes, I’m Venezuelan by the way.

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