Tag: German
National Identity and National Stereotype
We know most foreign cultures, and much of our own culture, by reputation only. We have an "image" of the Scottish, Belgian or Spanish...
Answer Key – Stereotypes Gap-fill exercise
This is the Answer Key - Stereotypes Gap-fill exercise Do you rely on stereotypes? Most people would tell you that they never stereotype others, but...
Stereotypes Gap-fill exercise
Well, here on our site today we have started a new modality. Exercises about Stereotypes. So be free to use it. Our first exercise is...
Cover to Facebook – Positive National Stereotype
What about a cover to Facebook with the positive stereotypes? I started this project by my own, and I'm getting as reference from this...
55 National Stereotypes that will Ruin or Make your Day
Inspired by an idea of Mon earlier on this post, I searched the net far and wide to find the most common stereotypes about...
The Mapping Stereotypes
The Mapping Stereotypes is project is the work of Yanko Tsvetkov, a graphic artist who also goes by the name Alphadesigner. Tsvetkov has lived...
You are Not Your Country: Top 10 National Stereotypes
Heaven is where the cooks are French, the police are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by...
The 6 Most Statistically Full of Shit National Stereotypes
Let's face the fact: Stereotypes exist for a reason! They help us form opinions about people without all the hassle of getting to know...