Croatian Stereotypes

Croatian stereotypes

What is the first word that comes on your mind when you hear/read about "Croatian Stereotypes" ? Particularly I didn't know any... But after some research on different blogs and foruns, I can bring you...
The current German flag is the same as that used by the Weimar Republic which lasted from 1919 to 1933. The German flag is one of the few that refers to "gold" as being one of the colors as opposed to "yellow" and one of the few flags in the world that uses black as a major ingredient.

German Stereotypes

My favorite place in the world is Berlin! Berlin is awesome! I loved so much that I've been there 3 times in the same year! If there’s one country that people seem to love stereotyping, it’s...
Flag of Netherlands

The Dutch Stereotypes

The first three points what eveybody thinks about Holland are: Drugs, Prostitutes and Sin.  In a second thought we can list:  Tulips, bikes and blondes. About the Prostitutes... If you walk by the canals of...
European Stereotypes

European Stereotypes

“Europe has what we do not have yet, a sense of the mysterious and inexorable limits of life, a sense, in a word, of tragedy. And we have what they sorely need: a sense...
Italy gave the world beautiful food, music, art, literature...and Sara Varone.

10 things you need to know about italian women

Sitting in a backyard surrounded by 40 or so Italian women. It happens to me about once a month when the group of Italian ladies who live in LA meet for an evening of...
How americans see Europe

How americans see Europe

How americans see Europe. Read this article and check it out. All europeans are obsessed with soccer Iceland: Volcano, Weird Language, Hot Blondes, Bad Guys in Mighty Ducks Norway : Vikings turned fishermen, Sweeden: Home of the...
Albania: "Stereotypes will disappear as soon as you come here!"

Albanian Stereotypes

The Republic of Albania is a country in Southern and Southeastern Europe, that is extremally seeing as badland. It's not a stereotype, actually be warned, it's one of the most dangerous places in Europe....
Nationality Stereotypes

Nationality Stereotypes

Nationality Stereotypes are generalizations about different countries that are often used as a form of trolling or flaming. These can be considered as racism and are often spread after a certain event or time...
Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World

31 Maps Mocking National Stereotypes Around the World

Using infographical maps to represent data is nothing new, but London-based designer Yanko Tsvetkov, through his site, has taken this common form in a new direction by releasing a series of both funny...
Switzerland's feelings on your national stereotypes

Swiss Cultural Stereotypes

Every country or profession is associated with stereotypes. Stereotypes are qualities assigned to groups of people related to their race, and so on. Let us look at some stereotypes about the Swiss: Obsessed with punctuality? If...

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