Stereotypes having to do with people of specific nationalities. Some of them are a little bit Truth in Television (certain others more so), due to having some basis in reality. But remember, nations are not Planets Of Hats. If anything, the true face of the country in question is often either not as expected or entirely different. Not all foreigners necessarily speak with a heavy accent, as many films and TV series seem to indicate.

All National Stereotypes

Have you ever asked how about the world judges you just because you're born in some place? Stereotypes having to do with people of specific nationalities. Some of them are a little bit Truth in...
Stereotypes Of Chinese People

Chinese Stereotypes

What are some stereotypes for Chinese people? What are some common Chinese stereotypes? Which ones are offensive? Which ones are just a little annoying? Are any of them true? Are biracial Chinese treated differently? Small...
55 National Stereotypes that will Ruin or Make your Day

55 National Stereotypes that will Ruin or Make your Day

Inspired by an idea of Mon earlier on this post, I searched the net far and wide to find the most common stereotypes about Nationalities. Generalizations about cultures or nationalities can be a source of...
world according to the united states of america

The Mapping Stereotypes

The Mapping Stereotypes is project is the work of Yanko Tsvetkov, a graphic artist who also goes by the name Alphadesigner. Tsvetkov has lived all over Europe, but back in 2009 when he got...
Indian Flag

Indian Stereotypes

What do hou know about the people from India or book or culture or actors/actress? Well, we both know that the cows are sacred, or they have many gods (official is about 500 millions...
Heaven is where the cooks are French, the police are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the cooks are British, the police are German, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, and everything is organized by the Italians.

You are Not Your Country: Top 10 National Stereotypes

Heaven is where the cooks are French, the police are British, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and everything is organized by the Swiss. Hell is where the cooks are British, the police...
The 6 Most Statistically Full of Shit National Stereotypes

The 6 Most Statistically Full of Shit National Stereotypes

Let's face the fact: Stereotypes exist for a reason! They help us form opinions about people without all the hassle of getting to know them. Why waste time talking to, say, a Frenchman, when...

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