Honestly I’ve never heard about Bulgarian stereotypes before… The commons terms associated were : Harry Potter, and the England Vs. Bulgaria Quidditch match, or by Romanians the Bulgarian people are thieves, and to others they are slavic and orthodox.
But what do you think are the major stereotypes about Bulgaria that you as foreigners or Bulgarians have encountered around the world, among the public or among international media? Have you found those to be generally true or generally false? Are the stereotypes the key to Bulgaria’s generally bad image abroad?

Bulgarian Guys
Bulgarian guys are probably not at the top of your list of desirable European men worth checking out.
Whilst most men would agree that Bulgarian women have a reputation for being sultry sex-kittens, strangely not many women say similar things about East European men.
But why is this?
Somewhat unfairly, this is probably due to the stereotypical Balkan male being portrayed as misogynistic, macho, aggressive, built like a truck, and about as sensitive as the average brick.

However, it is very unfair to make such sweeping generalisations about the entire population of Bulgarian males and the vast majority of Bulgarian guys are nothing like many of their Balkan cousins.
So unless you have a particular penchant for tall, blond, Swedish types, then you really should consider them!
The culture in Bulgaria dictates that men and women have equal rights and in most households the man does his share and treats his other half with respect.
On the whole, family life is very important to most Bulgarian men.

The macho chauvinistic behaviour commonly seen in many Mediterranean countries—where women are allowed less freedom than their male counterparts—tends not to be found in Bulgaria.
The only possible exception to this rule lies in remote outlying communities cut off from modern civilisation, so if Neanderthal man is your type, head out into the mountains of Bulgaria and you should have no problem meeting him!
Like many East European men, Bulgarian guys can be possessive and jealous, but they can also be sensitive, good natured, and loyal.

Unlike the majority of western men, they are respectful to women and hold good manners in high regard.
If you are used to guys who say all of the right things without meaning a word of it, are so out of touch with their emotions that holding a meaningful conversation with them is like pulling fingernails off, then prepare to be pleasantly surprised.
Cast away your cynical disillusionment and embrace the typical Bulgarian male (not literally!) for he is tough, strong, sensitive, passionate, and smart.
Bulgarian men are well worth your time if you want to be treated like a lady. In the company of a Bulgarian man, you can enjoy the novel sensation of being treated like a princess.
They are not too different from Bulgarian girls who like courtship and romance.

The most common Bulgarian Stereotypes
- Survive on tomato
- Cucumber and goat cheese only
- Colorful traditions
- Natural
- Open-minded
- Skiers or sun-worshipers
- Open, warm and kind people
- Traditional
- Let bears dance on fire
- Skilled craftsmen, farmers and artisans
- Nationalists
- “Catastrophic” social consciousness
- Tolerant
- Feeble religiousness
- Lack of fanaticism
- Condescending attitude
- Curiosity and openness to the “otherness”
- Anxious
- Fearful
- Efficient
- Accurate
- Precise
- Hardworking
- Disciplined
- Clever
- Highly qualified
- Drama kings and queens
- Overly suspicious

OK anything nice you said about bulgarians please erase… they are the most gross people I have ever met!!!!
There are only a small handfull I know that are respectful and care for their familes, the other ones cheat like mad on their wives, beat their wives, dont work, do everthing illgal, nothing is by the rules. The women all cheat on their alchoholic husbands, and the all live in apartments they are judmental and racist of everyone, they even hate each other. THE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEIR culture, or history. GROSS
Leanna, I have never read a more gross comment – EVER! I don’t know which god-forgotten roma ghetto you went to but you, apparently, are a very,very, very closed-minded individual. I AM a bulgarian and I AM proud of being one. My family, relatives, friends and many of the people I know are loyal,kind and intelligent people, who will never treat anyone with disrespect or discrimination.
I have traveled around the world many times, since I was a kid, and I’ve seen other cultures, I’ve experienced many things, most of which the majority of the population of this planet can only dream of. I’m a student in a prestigious university in the Netherlands, many members of my family are living abroad, around the globe and are people with well respected professions . So don’t you dare say that all bulgarians are like those imbecilic people, you’ve described!
And BTW : I know almost everything there is to know about bulgarian history and culture.
Idiotic people such as yourself create idiotic stereotypes. I DO NOT claim that all bulgarians are like me or my family but to generalise about the whole nation is simply put – idiotic.
When assessing a country or a nation, one must experience as much as possible of it – or it will be the same to visit Detroit and say that the whole of the US is like that, which again will be idiotic to do.
Shes right! I dated a bulgarian man for 3 years, until I realized I was being objectified and devalued through emotional abuse by a narcissistic womanizer. His father was the same, his uncle as well, my boss as well, —almost ALL bulgarian men I know seem to be narcissistic…and I know a lot. They all abuse their women, cheat, lie, manipulate, are insecure, fragile egos—-and basically think they are the shit. The bulgarian community in my city here in american are all so childish, start drama, talk talk and more talk about eachother, sleep with each others wives, and are in competition with each other. The men all have a delusional sense of entitlement and are extremely emotionally unintelligent. I have 2 best friends, one female(bulgarian) and 1 male (bulgarian) who are not this way-and hate bulgarians….I noticed most bulgarians hate bulgarians—oh and the women are extremely catty and jealous—and feel that they are gods gift to earth! eww
You have found the two main types of Bulgarian people the one you talk for are the majority now , we call them villagers /селяни/ not for the place they come but for attitude they possess .They mainly are uneducated egoist that care only for trivial things like what car do they drive how expensive their clothes look and what people talk about them.
But we are not all like that, they are also a very kind and generous people who are not materialists and value more significant thing like love and charity ,we care for others on base their character nature and those are the ones we make friends with,that’s why you two besties prefer you i believe be happy and well 🙂
I think youll find every country has the same types of people!
So you’ve met a lot of men, eh? That alone says a lot to me as to why you may have been treated that way – Bulgarian men don’t tend to respect women like you.
As for the insensitive, sweeping generalisation you just threw yourself in, I could only advise that you never talk about it to anyone in person, unless you want other people to know how insanely prejudiced and shortsighted you are.
I mean, have you even ever visited Bulgaria? Do you even know where it is?
Let me answer this question for you – no, no, you haven’t and no, you don’t. Because you’re judging an entire nation by the drama you’ve witnessed among a group of immigrants on the opposite side of the world. Starting to feel stupid yet?
Let me help you explore your own idiotism even further: what if I said that all American men were disgusting fat pigs who can’t even spell their own names and all they care about is farts and watching telly, because the few Americans I’ve met are like that and I’m just gonna judge every American by that view, with the help of a few stereotypes about America I’ve heard from TV?
Do you see it know? Do you see how astonishingly dim statements like that make you sound?
I appreciate the fact that if you’re making comments like this, you are probably pretty damn dim. But I really hope I could be of help so you could start educating yourself and stop contributing to the reason why aliens won’t talk to us. Same goes for you, leanna, honey. Thank you!
As a Brit who from where I’ve lived knows a number of Russians, Bulgarians, and Poles I got to say the negative commentary about Bulgarian men is pigheaded, ignorant, and rather amusing.
Likely such comments are made by “ladies”, used in the most open-minded sense of the word, who wouldn’t be treated decently by men of their own cultural background anyways. Probably the same sort of “ladies” who attract the attention of the really forward casanovas in Italy, men known for their antics of targeting cheap dates & who can spot an “easy” woman a mile away.
Just saying.
As it is, as mentioned, there are going to be the ‘bad apples’ –
the ignorant, uneducated, the ‘farmers’ and real working class individuals who know no better. Happens in almost every society around the globe. I have met, for example, some Americans who would probably feel more at ‘home’ living among pigs & barnyard animals than other humans.
But seriously if anyone doesn’t think you’ll find such ‘rotten’ examples in other societies you need to get out more or maybe try upping the standards regarding who you date.
YAAAASSSS KWEEENNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BITCH i dont know who u think u are to say such shit about my country and friends and family, but just because u had a bad relationship with a bulgarian man does not mean that the rest of them are like that. if u could even TRY to meet a real bulgarian man and well be nice abiut their country, maybe JUST MAYBE they`ll treat u like a lady. And also about ur ,what-so-called-bulgarian friends, if they hate the country, they also hate their families and should be ashamed!!!!
To hatethem.
Poor you, so awful to live with such unbelievably bad people around! Hope you won’t risk going to Bulgaria.
Yours empathetically,
You are an educated Bulgarian – a bit of a novelty. Don’t get too pious. A lot of the previous comments are spot on. Apart from wanting to rip foreigners off that contribute more in a short time to the economy than most Bulgarians can in a lifetime
James, do you really think this way? I think that life has been harsh to you so muych so that you express your self loathing through race gatred and bigotry!
Hey I am the selqk you talking bout mather faker…… I big mafia man and I have your I. P address and I. S. P. BECAUSE I AM PEASANT WHO KNOWING THE COMPUTER GOOD TO MAKE THE ONLINE FRAUD!
Funny.. there are hundreds of Bulgarians in our little Cape Cod town, and most of the men are super smart college students or graduates. Nearly all of them bust their asses working 14+ hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week to fund their educations or futures. Sure, some of the men are d*cks, but most are lovely.. if only the same could be written about American guys! Many of these Bulgarian men are so ridiculously good looking.. stupidly and painfully hot. Maybe you’re just jealous that you are not?
Bravo Ivan,
I feel that the best way to know a culture and about its people, is to educate yourself about said country and people by 1. going to that country, 2. knowing about their history and 3. make a friend from that country.
I will visit Bulgaria because of the wonderful people.. I am with you Ivan.
I love dick
That’s why you gave them rave reviews
calm down bro
It’s true
I would love to talk to you. I am an American man, I married a woman from Bulgaria and I would love if you could help me understand a few things. My wife doesn’t express her feelings like women I am used to, she holds it inside and I know when something is bothering her.. but I don’t know what it is in most cases because it’s hard to get her to talk to me about it.
How many Bulgarians have you met? I am Bulgarian and there are no racists in my surrounding, nor someone who cheats or beats his wife.
There are plenty of racist Bulgarians, I know from experience
but they aren’t the typical racists, they’ll be like ”ugh i hate gypsies”
but they’re in the minority as most bulgarian people are really open minded
I am Bulgarian and I lived for 15 years abroad. Coming back to Bulgaria now I can see vividly that many of my fellow countrymen tend to be racist, shallow, opinionated and narrow minded. Indeed, it is a rarity to meet a truly open-minded Bulgarian.
i am indian and although the average bulgarian is better looking than the average indian man , they possess the same qualities…
equality is law in both countries, but men of both countries truly do have the sense of superiority over women … .this is a fact and it is best to accept that as the truth and work on it
stereotypes are for a reason ..
not all black men have super big dicks, but a lot do and this is a reason the stereotype
not all chinese men have super small dicks,but the averages are less and this is the reason for hte stereotype
not all indians are dark but this is a compleion of hte majority so therefore hte stereotype
not all romanians and bulgarians are thieves, and i live in a romani womans house… she is good to me becuase i am respectful towards her and her kids … but i have seen how she has made lives miserable of other tenants who disappoint her.
these communitieis are intrinsically built like this for hundreds of years to not trust others, to self motivate and therefore hte narcissism . they have been hated on by the people of hte countries they became a part of and while people may say bulgarians gypsies are different adn the indigienous people are different with a lot of bulgarians refusing to think they have any gypsie in them…. even the most self proclaimed indigenous person. has gypsy features in some way or hte other
a lot of them also took several of their traits from india and pakistan to their country of settlement… teh trait of hating each other , not trusting each other, constantly being jealous of each other.. this is a very veyr indian and pakistani trait … and very rampant in these countries even today . not many whit ecommunities hate on each other like htat … most may compete but thereisnt much hate… bulgaria romania etc. the hate is palpable …. they also possess the same trait and not feeling happy for others successes unless they are doing well too .
I just can’t believe what you think of us. I’m a bulgarian 15 year old girl and I speak three languages apart from bulgarian. You must be really not open minded for thining this.You just have to understand that there are two types of bulgarians: smart and not very intelligent. And they both get very angry when they hear such an opinion. The first type of them (like me and the other people who commented on your comment)will try to explain that in Bulgaria there aren’t living only bulgarians, but also gypsies and turkish.(and some russians and a small percent of other nationalities)And they would also say that the only thing that bulgarians are guilty of is that sometimes they are too honest. And now the Second type: they would Yell at you for saying this and they would have the absolute Righr to do it. So before you judge a country and its People be sure to know about it more than just gossips. And after reading your comment I AM NOT ashamed of MY country but of people like YOU.
Hi my name is matthias Bulgaria name was phlamen I have alot questions about Bulgaria. I was adopted by a family at 4 years my mom from Bulgaria gave me up at 5 weeks old pleas email me I wanna communicate with someone from my country. I will leave you my email address so you can write me. [email protected]
More questions email me.
@Yunona Shouting is not a sign of class and open-mindedness, though…
Try working with Keston Mike, George and Chavdar.
It will not only change your perception of Bulgarians but it’ll also change your perception of life.
leanna every nation / culture has such ashole types who are beating their wives they are majority in arab countries.I bet you don’t know much about bulgarian people. I am a german man and I have lived in Bulgaria for 15 years , I have also been to many other countries. Bulgarians are the most tolerant nation in the world!!! Very kind people,intelligent and loyal like dogs!
What the fuck?? Really? you are trying to justify by actually being racist again?? so now the most notorious people to hit their women are arabs!? no one mentioned arabs here!! and you come and say Arabs! this is the whole point of this article you dumb fuck! du soll dich verpissen und woanders hingehen du Assi ! willst du mich verarschen, wieso sagst du Arab, bist du schonmal in einem arabischen land gewesen?? hast du arabische freunde?? hast eine studie ueber die arabische Volk gemacht?? Rassismus bringt dir nix!
arabs are really the scum of the world
why? because they’re rich and have the most beautiful women on earth? please stop wasting your time with narrow minded statements and go outside, you hypocrite.
bull shit i am married with arabic guy , so generous and gentle ;am and never touche me or beat me , all his family respect women and offer them what they can , don’t speak about people or country if you didi nt even live their , and the old says about Arabic countries are false , and you are stupid cause you just hear and you judge , so go to those countries before talking a shit about
I too am from Bulgaria and I assure you Bulgarians are known for their manners
Well…you don’t don’t know anything then. I don’t know with what kind of idiots you met, but you can’t judje Bulgaria like that for nothing. The only gross think is your comment and the only think that should be deleted is again your gross, useless comment.
Where are you from then Leanna? You must have got turned down by a blind, HIV infected, crackhead, paraplegic 87 year old, goat herding Bulgarian Gypsy!!
Sveti Mamkati Dejbov!
Leanna, can i have your e-mail, please? 🙂
you are the most gross person i have ever met, you can’t say something like that if you don’t first look at your self and solve your problems, now see why don’t you tell me something about your couture, bitch. the most racist person is you right now because you r saying all of the bullshit you can think of. I’m really sorry but you don’t have to share your own life in the internet, thats why friends and family are there for you, oh wait, they all burned in the Nazi camp. sorry for you bitch but go find a life or suck a dick 🙂
“And they all live in apartments”?! 😀 😀 Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Yeah, brah! Didn’t you know that not being able to afford a house is a sin and generally SO GROSS. Yuck! I’m so grossed out of those pesky bulgarians living in their appartmens. It’s so gnarly I think I’m going to barf! [email protected] those appartment dwelling bulgarian scums 🙂
Can you be more stupid?! In Bulgaria an apartment would cost more than a house. That’s why we prefer to live there. Also there are less insects and other gross things that can sneak into a house. And there is less posibility to be robbed because you are for example in the fifth floor. There are still people who live in a house but most of them are from a village. Those people are called villagers and there in nothing wrong about it but a real citizen is supposed to live in an apartment.
How rude! You are quite obviously a racist mentally deficient bitch!
Wow ! Bulgarians say that some people are so hateful that till noon they hate the world and after noon they hate themselves. Obviously you are one of them Ms. Jeanna…I feel sorry for you….
shte ti eba mayka
It’s not true at all. I don’t know that kind of people and I am proud to be Bulgarian. I live in London, UK. At work many british people are trying to steal something or not to pay their bill. We don’t do anything like that. The girls are treated like animals here. And I can say a lot about you. You are mistaken us with the gypsy. You are hypocritical. When I don’t like somebody at least I have the guts to tell him that.
You can sit on this big Bulgaria dick you ugly stupid Turkish slut
Do not judge unless you live with the people!!!
Leanna you are probably one of the dumbest people I have ever seen, Judging by the way you talk about Bulgarians. You should stop with your rude comments about Bulgarians.
As a Brit who from where I’ve lived knows a number of Russians, Bulgarians, and Poles I got to say the negative commentary about Bulgarian men is pigheaded, ignorant, and rather amusing.
Likely such comments are made by “ladies”, used in the most open-minded sense of the word, who wouldn’t be treated decently by men of their own cultural background anyways. Probably the same sort of “ladies” who attract the attention of the really forward casanovas in Italy, men known for their antics of targeting cheap dates & who can spot an “easy” woman a mile away.
Just saying.
As it is, as mentioned, there are going to be the ‘bad apples’ –
the ignorant, uneducated, the ‘farmers’ and real working class individuals who know no better. Happens in almost every society around the globe. I have met, for example, some Americans who would probably feel more at ‘home’ living among pigs & barnyard animals than other humans.
But seriously if anyone doesn’t think you’ll find such ‘rotten’ examples in other societies you need to get out more or maybe try upping the standards regarding who you date.
LOL, leanna are you retarded? Are you talking about gypsies? Try to make a fucking difference instead of making assumptions you disgusting whore. Or how we, the “gross bulgarians” say it, ЕБИ СА КУРВО. And where are you from? Ssome place where you’ve been taught to stick a dildo up your ass and consider yourself oh-so-mighty for hating on other nations? Well? Did you feel better now that you expressed your unreasonable feelings of superiority? As others here said, you probably don’t even know where Bulgaria is.
Well, just so you know, if you keep sticking your attitude up your ass like that, no Bulgarian will treat you right. Xenophobic, disgusting human being. Go back to 1939 and scream HEIL HITLER along with the other nazis since you’re so educated and have so much experience – enough to have on an entire nation, apparently. Same with that cunt hatethem(most). Yeah, okay.
Oh and by the way, the people you’re talking about are gypsies. You know, the ones which nobody in Europe wants, but as soon as we complain about them not working and ruining our economy, the entirety of EU screeches “YOU MUST BE MORE TOLERANT!!!”
I am of the same opinion after living in Bulgaria for 18months and dated a Bulgarian who at first was charming but turned into a controlling aggressive pig who was manipulative and greedy and who beat me regularly while the Bulgarian community turned a blind eye and the police did nothing
I have to say that I have met the most wonderful man I have ever met, he is Bulgarian and I don’t always understand him but he is kind passionate and sexy.
I am an amarecan man and I used to date a Jamaican woman for a long time but I gave up on them because they are aggressive, rude, no mannered woman! Bulgarian women are better looking and kinder, affectionate, generous, efficient, Sensativе and many hugs and kisses. Wonderful house keepers. I love my Bulgarian wife!
Stereotypes are over simplistic; they open the door to prejudices and discrimination; they don't tell the whole story about people from a society in general; simply they 're not true in the sense that they don't apply to all individuals in a determined culture.
It is interesting to me what are your sorts…. this has nothing to do with Bulgaria.Most of the pictures are not even from Bulgaria and no…bulgarians are not turks! We have been under Otoman slavery but we are with mixed blood from slavic, protobulgarian and thracian nations. What is more, even under those circumstances we have kept our nation , culture and religion whole.I am sick of people without job making a stereotype from everything. In 21 century you better try being more open-minded.
You judge the whole by a minority group, called gypsies. Yes, gypsies steal , cheat, beat their women and they steal not only from you, but also from us, bulgarians. They live in a ghetto and I have only few examples of gypsies who are good people. Please, be more open-minded. Bulgaria is so beautifull and it’s nature is just amazing. I would rather be a citizen of the world, then put into a stereotype. I love Bulgaria.
I’m bulgarian and If there’s one thing I hate is racism in Bulgaria. The gypsies get a lot of abuse from the countries they are settled in from Bulgaria to Ireland. They are from a low Indian subcontinent caste and were Brought over by byzantine and ottomans. They are themselves, they live in poverty and the crafts and trades they used to be known for are dying out. They don’t get the right help….. They cannot live in blocks of flats like us Europeans for instance, just like the ottomans oppressed Bulgarians for centuries so the Bulgarians and other balkan nations oppressing gypsies. They lived better during communism because they all had jobs….. In the agrarian complexes and farms, or factories in production etc…… They have a rich vibrant culture especially their music….. And I bet thees not one bulgarian who wouldn’t dance to a gypsy kucek!
It is interesting to me what are your sorts…. this has nothing to do with Bulgaria.Most of the pictures are not even from Bulgaria and no…bulgarians are not turks! We have been under Otoman slavery but we are with mixed blood from slavic, protobulgarian and thracian nations. What is more, even under those circumstances we have kept our nation , culture and religion whole.I am sick of people without job making a stereotype from everything. In 21 century you better try being more open-minded.
The great thing about Bulgaria is the variety of people in it
I stopped reading after that sentence “The culture in Bulgaria dictates that men and women have equal rights and in most households the man does his share and treats his other half with respect.”
That is one BIG lie. Bulgarian men are the most patriarchal christian men you can imagine. They treat women with no respect, most of them think a woman’s place is in the kitchen. Bulgarian men often say that Bulgarian women are “kiflas” or whores. Some women do sell themselves for money and can be really mean but not all are like that. Unfortunately with a hand on my heart I can say that most Bulgarian men are misogynists. They love to have power and control over women, that is why most of them are very manipulative. All of them often tell lies and make stories because of frustration and inferiority complex. Bulgarian men think that women are inferior,. A woman shouldn’t expect from Bulgarian man to treat her as equal. That simply won’t happen even if he claims that she is equal to him. Even those of Bulgarian men who are willing of commitment to one woman will expect her to be inferior and let them be dominant over her because “men is the head of the family”. They usually treat their wives and girlfriends as servants and brood mares. Most of them are trying to convince women that housework is below a man’s dignity and it’s a woman’s job, but there a exceptions and there are men who help with that, but still complain about it because they hate being told what and how to do it by a woman. No matter how well informed, highly educated and capable of using arguments a woman is her opinion is less valued by men than that of a man. Many of Bulgarian men are tragically bad lovers (there are exceptions here) but expect from their woman to be just as slutty as a porn actress. In short for Bulgarian man the perfect woman is something in between a skilled porn actress, obedient and inferior house maid and a cook and a brood mare and a babysitter.
Most Bulgarians are very homophobic, lazy and xenophobic and many are very cruel with those who are weaker and defenceless. Animal cruelty is a great problem. In Bulgaria many people abandon and beat their dogs and cats (not to mention children) and than blame the strays for all their troubles and worries. (Google for “trichane of dogs” and Bulgarian stray dogs/cats). Don’t trust a Bulgarian except when he/she has been proven himself/herself as an honest and trustworthy person. There are still good people in Bulgaria but they are under treat of becoming extinct soon (Google for Dyado Dobri (Grandpa Dobri)). Back stabbing is something very common amongst Bulgarians even between old friends and close relatives. It’s a very criminal country. Everybody are corrupted and thieves – from bottom to the top. Just take a closer look at Bulgarian politicians. They are all corrupted. In Bulgaria there is a great problem with Bulgarian gipsies – they steal, kill, rape, don’t take care or send to school their children, beat each other and ordinary people, they are very arrogant and like to play victims and live on social helps. Rules and lows don’t apply to them. In Bulgaria if you try to defend yourself from a thief in your house he can sue you.
It hurts me very deep to speak like this for my people and my country but that is the ugly truth what Bulgarians really are nowadays. I’m just being honest. It is very sad that from being really great people before WWII we have fallen so low after it. My guess is that is what communism did to our people – it brain washed the simple minded people and it killed and drove away most of the good, intelligent an honest people.
That relies only about most Bulgarians who still live and remain in Bulgaria. I’ve been told that many of those Bulgarians who has left Bulgaria and has lived for many years in other countries are better than that cause they have adapted to other countries societies and their rules. Well, I hope that’s true.
PS: I apologize for my long post and if me words have hurt somebody’s feelings but I think that truth must be spoken out loud so that Bulgarians can wake up from their sleep and make an effort to evolve towards and become better people.
Penka you are the kind of women who had a failed date with such type öf men. I honestly think that you’ve had only one relationship in your whole life.
Bulgarian woman don’t care about giving birth 🙂
/in your face
Until they hit the 30
Well we cant all be perfect, now get back in shibanata kuhnq be zhena!
Penkaaaaa , you are a total joke
I believe you are not absolutely right. Yeah, there are some problems like this, but you are making it sound worst than it is. In every country there are bad people and there are good people. It is just natural. I am bulgarian so i know that even bulgarians talk things like this, but it is because bulgarians are somethimes too pessimistic and it is not like they really mean it.
ABOUT THE “trichane of dog” i agree it is terrifying and horrible. The truth is that it is an old tradition in a village or two but our people are fighting to prevent it from happening anymore, because we are not hearthless and we love animals just like everyone else. And aren’t the dog called the best friend of the man kind.
SECONDLY, you seem to have misunderstood something. Normal bulgarian sitizen does not rely on social helps. Except bulgarians there are gypsies who live in Bulgaria. They really are a big problem for us. They do not work, give birth to numerous childs and rely on social helps, still there those of them who work and do what they can to contribute to the society.
And again i repeat they are considered bulgarians because they live in Bulgaria but they do not have bulgarian origin and even talk in their own language. (a gypsy is a member of a traveling people with dark skin and hair who speak Romany and traditionally live by seasonal work, itinerant trade, and fortune-telling. Gypsies are now found mostly in Europe, parts of North Africa, and North America, but are believed to have originated in South Asia.) Bulgarians are from slavic and proto-Bulgarian origin, even our appearances differs a lot.
It is unfortunate but gypsies are part of the reason why bulgarians have such a bad reputation around the world. Gypsies travel a lot, and for example, there are many who are going in Spain and presenting themselves as Bulgarians and in this way embarrassing us with their bad behavior.
Hatefull SJW Alert.
Thank you Penka. I am straight off the boat immigrant with a Bulgarian father who not only is a narcissistic selfish drunk but all the traits you described. He has that total Village mentality.
I always thought he had some type of mental disorder and now I realize it’s just his culture to be a prick. Treated my poor Armenian mother like dirt, worked her like a dog, cheated, abused her and all us children, manipulative, selfish and a con artist. He never contributed anything worthwhile to anyone in his life and ruined all of us children emotionally. I had it the worse being the oldest and a girl. I was a built in house keeper and maid for free so my poor mother could work in a sewing factory to keep us from starving to death. All his money went on him self and other women And all his Bulgarian friends were the same way. He is old now and will die alone. My younger sister is the only one who pays any attention to him because she knows she will get the house and property. She is the one with all the money all ready. My brother and I could care less. I curse the day he was born and ruined my childhood.
Penka, you wrote (admittedly, several years ago by now) that it hurts you very deeply to speak like this about your people and country. I somehow doubt that, given the concentration of malice in that post of yours. I mean, most Bulgarians harbour some deep resentment of their fellow countrymates and most Bulgarians also love to grumble and exaggerate other people’s negative sides or blame the country as a whole. But it rarely reaches such gross proportions of generalizations and exaggerations like the ones you’ve posted. Let’s just hope this was the result of a temporal dark mood swing, because while some of those problems exist, they’re nowhere near as big as you described them (the trichane custom is a perfect example, as it’s an old tradition being practiced in only one single village, despite the rest of the country’s vocal opposition to it). If anything, one of our actually worst sides is this very same pessimism and nihilism (sometimes replaced with the other end of the spectrum – ultra-nationalism and Bay Ganyo-style chest-beating) on display here.
I’ve been to Bulgaria once, the people seemed normal to me, many of them lived in heavy poverty though and there was gypsy prostitutes and beggars as far as the eye could see.
I noticed that the bulgarians is a proud people without ever being chauvinistic (like the greeks can be).
We had a bulgarian guy at my old job, great guy! Always joking and being friendly, although sometimes it was hard to hear what he said because he had somewhat a hard time speaking swedish.
I’m Bulgarian and live in Sweden for 5 years and before I have travel in many European Countries and I must say that I appreciate my Country and the people there after I left it , almost all my friends in Bulgaria are married and have a happy families and are also Christian people with strong bands to their families , very intelligent and hard working people , I would’t say that we are better than the other man from EU but we are as good and intelligent as the man from other EU countries , I’m happy and proud to be Bulgarian !!!
Oh and one more thing. Unlike many other european nations bulgarians can speak fluent english even tho as much as their mother language. And like I said they are very intelligend and open minded people.
Most of the turks usually do not self-identify as bulgarians, whereas Gypsies often do. Both groups are generally considered outsiders by ethnic bulgarians.And westerners often consider them bulgarians – which is wrong.My cousin got merried to bulgarian man and she decided to move to him in Bulgaria.So far she is not able to work there, that man works two jobs (16 hours overall) he is the most caring man I have ever seen.
hey I'm a bulgarian I'm a high class citizent i come from a family of politicans i must admit the lower class are hopeless worst then monsters but i'm sure that s true for all lowers classes of other countries let's don't suggest by society s rotten apples
lol… funny little guy
Ti pa mnogo znae6 Be! Az sam selqk! Roden v ogromno selo – Sofiq! Ha HA!
At least use your position in that so called “high class” to educate yourself because I had hard time understanding half of the message.
I am from the lower class you’re talking about. I live in a small village. I see cows and sheep every day. My parents have money problems almost every month but this doesn’t make me a rotten apple. And I would really appreciate it if I was not judged from where I come from but for who I am.
Very narrow minded individuals. I live in Toronto and am Canadian. The most multi-cultural city and best place in the world to live .I have friends from all over including Bulgarians. My partner is Bulgarian and is one of the most intelligent , kind hearted individuals you would ever meet . her husband and friends as well. All societies have abusers and losers. I have met many great people from many countries and many that aren’t . Spread some love , peace ,understanding and tolerance for people that are different but don’t label everyone based on a bad experience. Oh and so call class and and betterment because your a politician means squat.Your either nice or your not. Money only gives you some status and some politicans really don’t have the reputation I would want
hey man! Im glad youre a fucking upper class asshole who feels they can talk down to the ‘lower class monsters’ it’s new money assholes like you in Bulgaria that give the Bulgarians a bad name….not the hard working lower classes you speak about. Politician or not I’d fucking kick your ass down the street you fucking Magare! Kreten takuv!
Looooooooooooooooool i love Opne minded image and social catastrophic!!
Bulgarians are No. 1 Ever!
I am Bulgarian and I honestly laugh at some of these pictures.Thanks
More about Bulgarians and Bulgarian community here http://dirbg.us
Hey,,,I wanna say my opinion also…I would be shocked bout al bad coments bout bulgarien few months ago,,,but now i can just agree……….I had one bulgarien,,,we lived and met each other in other country,,,,he got me by sharm,gave me attention,romantic,,,,but then later when we moved to bulgary,,,,i understood from first moment s gonna be different…and yes he changed the way with me,,,arrogant,selfish,manipulate,strong fr outside,weak fr inside,,,lookin for themselves….still complaning how much difficult life there,,,how much they work and no money,,,,jelous on other people….to fucking up even friends,,,,that time he remind me arabien ,,,,I heard before about that,,,that bulgarien character so close to arabien,,,and i didnt believe,,,but is liek this,,,until u dont recognize it by yorself,,u wont believe,,,,,,,,,,I dont wanna insult anyone,,,i just my experience and what i saw on these people there,,,,someth what is in blood,,,,man more then woman….ive met some ncie people there also/like evewewhere,,,u can,,,,,but it will not change my opinion bout them….and again someth close to arabien,,they dont give up easily,,,after break up with him ,,,i had to change number and some more stuff to not reach me and to accept split up…….but they have the best ice cream ive ever ate hahahahaa
Thank you! You cheered up my evening. I am Bulgarian living and working in the “West”. The grim pictures of my country that your greedy selfish narrow minded badly informed polititians portray make me so miserable. Happy to hear a friendly word now and again.
abre pusni go da pase!
I am Bulgarian and thought Bulgarians are very rude (compared to foreigners like Romanians and Croats). Then I went to the Netherlands and people here are so rude that they make my fellow Bulgarians look like the cutest people. While there are rude Bulgarians that never smile, bump into you, there are far more Dutchies that are like that.
Cheers! This made my day! Thanks for helping me to get to know my country better, I really had no idea about half of the things mentioned! Not even going to talk about that some of the images used in support to the facts are not taken in Bulgaria! Let me guess, you went for a week there, exactly how long every single Western authors do before they claim to be experts and publish the next book on Bulgarian history. Oh, you have not been at all! Take this one for free: next time educate yourself before offering the false stuff to your readers and putting them off from experiencing and making judgements for themselves.
generally bulgarians tend to be very stubborn and angry people 😀 but it can be a good thing hehe
Source: im canadian-bulgarian
I dated a Bulgarian man 2 years ago and he was the kindest, most generous person in the world. He had 2 PhDs and works at a University. You cannot stereotype an entire race…
One in four women experience domestic violence in Bulgaria in their lifetime. National criminal statistics on domestic violence
are not publically available in Bulgaria, nor are national criminal justice statistics on domestic violence. Data on medical
interventions related to domestic violence or intimate partner violence is not collected in the Bulgarian healthcare system.
There is no national women’s helpline in Bulgaria. There are six women’s shelters and 12 women’s centers, and no centers
for women survivors of sexual violence in Bulgaria. Who see something good in this ?
cant find my comment yo
I’ve never been in Bulgaria, but I have friends who study there and also know many Bulgarians that live in Greece as immigrants.
Of course,one shouldnt form an opinion by the immigrants,because they are usually uneducated and from rural areas,so they tend to have negative characteristics. That would be the case with most that I have met- they would do ANYTHING to take some money out of you and they have different morals- they hit their children a lot and make it a shocking public spectacle as well, or sleep with random people for money and exploit them.
However I have met some that are amazing to be around- mostly from the Macedonia region. I think that those are native and not immigrants(Bulgarians in the past-and now lived in this region) so they have a different mentality and you can’t tell them apart from the greeks. They are kind-hearted and sadly kinda ashamed to say they are bulgarian, because of the bad fame some others have created.
As for my friends who study in Bulgaria,they say they like the people, but there is a lot of poverty and mostly the country is corrupt to the bone. I concider this to be the biggest problem. If the country and the educational system cant provide you with the basic tools to cover your needs and the right mentality, then you’ll also be corrupt sooner or later in order to survive. I have had disgussions, and from what I understand most of them love their country but are disappointed by their politicians and are used to being the ‘underdog’ of the stronger european countries.
Lastly, I personally have a good friend from Bulgaria that introduced me to the Bulgarian culture, the food, the clothes, the traditions, the mentality, and I like it a lot and hope to visit soon. I believe that the Bulgarians are hardworking and kind people, and with a good government they can prosper. Sure, there are some that create trouble but that cant depict a whole nation, and mostly the new generation, which I hope that it’s better,like in most countries. I wish them all the best 🙂
LOL you cant rly put stereotypes on Bulgarians . we are so diverse is fucking unbelievable . we are so different city by city village by village even street by street . even every city in here have own street folklore and fads . for a small country we are quite diverse .
so yeh you may get the worst or the best or something in between .
and we are white we dont look like Indians (thats gypsis that you see mostly do stuff like robbing begging in western europe) even the turks in Bulgaria are white
Dear Leanna,
I’m a Bulgarian and nobody from my ex boyfriends and nor my husband ever beat me or abuse me. My father never beats my mother. Sorry for all of you who thinks that way. Every nation have “trash” maybe yours have such kind of people too ( maybe they are more because we are maybe less they you).
The bottom line is that most people who had something to offer (a skill set) are not in the country anymore. I’ve been in Canada for 14 years and every Bulgarian I have encountered here has been intelligent and respectful and most of them are professionals in a position of significant responsibility (engineers, professors, doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, nurses, own their own company, etc.) . It varies with the region and the time period, but typically countries with a good immigration system take only good people.
So what is left in Bulgaria is crude, uneducated individuals drowning out the few normal ones that are left. My friends and relatives who still live in Bulgaria (especially the male ones) are very considerate and careful and well-read, yet they are stuck living in a deteriorating cultural environment.
I have dated a Bulgarian girl, at the begaining she was so lovely, honest and caring but afterwards I felt that love means nothing to her she has betryed me stolen my wallet, was always taking about money, eating, drinking she has really broken my heart I have opened my heart bu she has kicked me for all of you please be careful money is not important but if someone breaks you than you will die!!!!
Therapist Oniha made me happy again, I was at my wit’s end with trying to get my boyfriend to commit to our relationship fully. I had tried everything I knew, but what I DIDN’T know was that all I had to do was come to him,if not for this help of Therapist Oniha and with his spell casting blessings and special magic powers, I wouldn’t have to do all the work at all. I got my life and my love back and now all in my life is balanced and happy again. He did a great service to me and also to many people as i have notice he is the best, and I do think many people should know about him EMAIL contact Therapist Oniha of the [email protected] he is talented and will help with his service if you are in any need of help just like he did to save me. I am so glad for weaving his magic love spells for me and ruin. It’s back to me just the way it was when we first met, and we’re coming up on our fourth anniversary now!
i had lived between Bulgarians for many years and had a boyfriend and two of my friends are Bulgarian. I avoid generalization and it is always is somebody who cannot be put in the same cathegory. I met thieves and honest people, very rude and nice… yes, many of Bulgarian have really bad manners butnot all of them. The funniest thing is …that they don’t see it and it is their happiness. I see them coming in local Orthdox church in jeans and being totally unaware about what is going on ,lol. they would come there in bikini blaming the rest for being close minded.
Hello everyone am on this blog to testifying about the goodness of EDUDU ZADSON TEMPLE in my life for helping me bring back my lost love in a space of 48 hours. I saw comments of how he helps people amend broken relationship and bring back lost love and decicded to let him help me also when i lost my ex 5 months ago. To cut it all short it is the evidence of his fast results that reuslted to me testifying about his good works. If you are in such situation, cry no more but contact Dr Zadson on [email protected] and experience an amazing turn around in your situation…
God I hate it when people label things.Yes,dearest sceptics ,we the bulgarian nation are very distrustful and intolerant and bad and …Oh how hasn`t another genocide happened yet?!So guess what even though there are a lot of shitty people in BG, as in any other country in the world(FYI),there are some pretty descent people here.All it takes is being a bit open-minded and somewhat wise.So truth is if you`re searching for shortcomings in a country or a nation ,you`ll find them .It`s a matter of perception.But don`t be jerk and insult a 7 000 000 + nation by telling it it simply sucks because sucks….try finding better arguments when hoping to win a dispute.
-Simply trying to clean some of the stigma out of the bulgarian territory. 🙂
Love all my Bulgarian friends <3
I`m Bulgarian and I am 15 years old. I have an English homework about stereotypes about us. About what you THINK about us. First: there are good and bad people in our country but I like to think that there are different people not only in Bulgaria but also all over the world. Yes, there are people who personally I am ashamed of because of the way their bad behaviour reflects on your opiniom about us. Yes, our educational, health care and judical system sucks and our goverment isnt doing much about it, and when I graduate I want to go to study abroad because of the many opportunities BUT one thing I can tell you about our country is that not everyone goes kamping in a snowy mountain wearing only swimsuit, not every Bulgarian girl dresses like a prostitute on Prom and deffinetely not every Bulgarian boy rides a pig. For your information we are not all gypsies.There are many Bulgarians abroad who rocks the field which they are working in. Do you know that the man who invented the first computer was born in Bulgaria. Do you know that Nina Dobrev, yes the same woman who stars in TVD is from Bulgarian origin??? Because I know and I`m proud. So please don`t judge us without knowing us. We are all different and if you want so much to say something about us come and visit us. We don`t bite. And there are Bulgarians who are worth to be known.
P.S.: Exuse me for my mistakes if I had these. I don`t think that only we, the Bulgarians, make mistakes, right.
Ndei sa zanimava pls
Цветомир Павлов tva beshe vchera spoko 😀
My name is Ashley Thomas and I base in USA…“My life is back!!! After almost a year of Broken Relationship, my girlfriend left me with a broken heart. I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide,i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr Uzor, which i met online.On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across a lot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back,Ex Husband Pregnancy,Cure Cancer,HIV AIDS,And other Sickness,some testified that he can cast a spell to stop Divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a man called Luke John, he testified about how he brought back his Ex lover in less than 48hours, and at the end of his testimony he dropped Dr Uzor’s E-mail address , After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him and explained my problem to him, and he assured me that i will get my girlfriend back in the next 48hours.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do,Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my girlfriend who didn’t call me for the past (11 Months),gave me a call in just 2 days, my girlfriend came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr Uzor is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try anytime, he is the answer to your problems. Here’s his Email
contact:[email protected]) or visit his website//: http://www.uzorspelltemple.webs.com
Bring My Lover Back Spell **Stop Divorce Spell **Attract A Mate Spell **Increased Passion & Sex Spell **
End A Relationship Spell (to bring your ex back to you if he/she are with someone new) & More!
For more information Contact okusisi on +2347056850854 Email:[email protected]
I know that many Bulgarians like to think tnat the "father" of the computer is Bulgarian but it is more precise to say that Atanasoff is "one of the fathers", at least this is what they think in the USA. Also, Bogomila, you are wrong: John Atanasov was not born in Bulgaria. His father was.
Your writing is very defensive and I do not see why… The article is funny and while there are some moisconseptions, the majoity of it is true…
And being against stereotyping, why do you stereotype the life abroad ? You are declaring that you are getting ready to live Bulgaria — isn't this stereotyping the life you expect to live abroad?
all people in this world are created beautifully in the sight of God with different weaknesses , all i ca say thank be to God because we have life.
I’ve never met any one from Bulgaria in my life, know a little about the Bulgarian war of independence against the Ottomans, and the famous resistance to German deportation of their Jews,as led by the Metropolitan Stefan. So, they clearly have their heroic side. But, unlike their neighbor Hungary, not a major contributor to music, science, or mathematics.
I want to use this great medium to thank LORD MASUKA for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he dumped me for 3 months .My boyfriend breakup with me because he see another girl at his church and told me he is no longer want me and live me in pain and heart break.I seek for help on the internet and i saw so many good talk about this great spell caster LORD MASUKA of [email protected] and i contacted him also and explain my problems to him and he cast a love spell for me which i use to get back my boyfriend within the period of 3 days and i am so grateful to him for the good work he has done for me,that is why i also want to let everyone who is in need of help out there to also seek help from him so he can help.His email is [email protected] or call +2347053105287 or view and contact him on his website: http://lordmasukaspelltem.wix.com/lordmasuka you can contact for any kind of help and he will help you. And you can also reach him on facebook Harry Masuka or Skype Lord masuka
There are good and bad people all over the world… lets face it,this world is not exactly a paradise…people have been displaced from their homelands through wars and violence perpetrated by leaders of barbaric war mentality and greed driven reptilian brained mindset over thousands of years… and the trauma and anxiety stays in the genes passed down for generations….then there is the corrupted cheating lying SOBs elected leaders that making life a living hell for the common man and woman…what state of mind can one expect them to be in…nit to mention the same is passed on to the children…it all exists by design…to create chaos and mess everyone up…all good and bad begins from home…if the pillars of the house are weakened the house collapses…the common folks of Bulgaria and any other nation all face the same problems…humanity needs healing more than peeling them.
Dear Friends,
I’m reading the comments and I CAN’T BELIEVE that there is so much hate accumulated towards my country. I really don’t know what kind of people you’ve met and how did you get your opinions about us -the Bulgarians. I feel so sorry to read about your experience with us and if there is a way to apologize somehow on the behalf of the Bulgarians citizens, I would do it now. It’s true that we are very emotional and straightforward. Our feelings control us most of the time and we say what we think. Actually if I can use one name to define us it will be “the sufferer” . We were 500 years under the power of Ottoman empire, so we are very rebellious and this rebellious spirit was formed during those years of injustice, exploitation, mockery and suffering. If you go now to Bulgaria and meet some of the old people in the mountains or on the sea (yes we do have mountains and sea) you will understand how friendly we are. We actually will always say hello or goodbye with a smile on our face and will welcome everybody , even a stranger in our home. We – the women are very loyal and friendly, we usually work , take care of our children and clean the house and cook (most of us a great cooks), we do respect our husbands a lot and believe that we should support them because they are the main source of the financial stability for our homes. I would like to mention that this has nothing to do with mercantilism or whatsoever, we love our husbands but we usually don’t hire a nanny or daycare help for our children, we grow them alone ( some of the parents help). We and our children depend on our husbands a lot and we don’t mind that. We (most of us) don’t have the ambitions of proving ourselves or showing our husband how good we are. Our husbands on the other hand are hard workers, they know that their wife and children depend on them , so they are responsible and go and work twice as hard to provide for the family enough. We usually admire them for that and help as much as we can. So if you meet a Bulgarian guy , you should keep in mind that he will not feel satisfied if he doesn’t earn enough money to support you. He will expect you to cook and help in the house (this is very important quality). He will think that he is the head of the house and he will be correct but when he needs to make a decision, he will always ask you first about your opinion and usually will do or make whatever you want just to make you happy :))). If you date a Bulgarian girl , you should be aware that she will expect you to provide enough for the family, because she will know in her instincts that she needs to take care of the kids the house and everything else, so if you are resourceful, she will love you and support you, stand up for you and will never leave you hungry. So it’s up to you whether you want or not to mess with us. However I really don’t understand why you people are so mean and talk nasty stuff about us. You should visit Bulgaria one day and see all beauties there. People are handsome and nature is beautiful . We don’t hide anything, we are natural and most of the time say what we think.
Dear Friends,
I'm reading the comments and I CAN'T BELIEVE that there is so much hate accumulated towards my country. I really don't know what kind of people you've met and how did you get your opinions about us -the Bulgarians. I feel so sorry to read about your experience with us and if there is a way to apologize somehow on the behalf of the Bulgarians citizens, I would do it now. It's true that we are very emotional and straightforward. Our feelings control us most of the time and we say what we think. Actually if I can use one label to define us it will be "the sufferer" . We were 500 years under the power of Ottoman empire, so we are very rebellious and this rebellious spirit was formed during those years of injustice, exploitation, mockery and suffering. If you go now to Bulgaria and meet some of the old people in the mountains or on the sea (yes we do have mountains and sea) you will understand how friendly we are. We actually will always say hello or goodbye with a smile on our face and will welcome everybody , even a stranger in our home. We – the women are very loyal and friendly, we usually work , take care of our children and clean the house and cook (most of us are great cooks), we do respect our husbands a lot and believe that we should support them because they are the main source of the financial stability for our homes. I would like to mention that this has nothing to do with mercantilism or whatsoever, we love our husbands but we usually don't hire a nanny or daycare help for our children, we grow them alone ( some of the parents help). We and our children depend on our husbands a lot and we don't mind that. We (most of us) don't have the ambitions of proving ourselves or showing our husband how good we are. Our husbands on the other hand are hard workers, they know that their wife and children depend on them , so they are responsible and go and work twice as hard to provide for the family enough. We usually admire them for that and help as much as we can. So if you date a Bulgarian guy , you should keep in mind that he will not feel satisfied if he doesn't earn enough money to support you. He will expect you to cook and help in the house (this is very important quality). He will think that he is the head of the house and he will be correct, but when he needs to make a decision, he will always ask you first about your opinion and usually will do or make whatever you want just to make you happy :))). If you date a Bulgarian girl , you should be aware that she will expect you to provide enough for the family, because she will know in her instincts that she needs to take care of the kids the house and everything else, so if you are resourceful, she will love you and support you, stand up for you and will never leave you hungry. So it's up to you whether you want or not to mess with us. However, I really don't understand why you people are so mean and talk nasty stuff about us. You should visit Bulgaria one day and see all the beauties there. People are handsome and nature is beautiful . We don't hide anything, we are natural and most of the time say what we think.
Bulgarians are nice people, very intelligent and are interesting to talk to.I enjoy talking to them,anybody from Bulgaria want to keep in touch feel free to add me.
Thank God for you using SAVIOUR VOODOO to bring back my husband who left as a result of unable to give him a baby for marriage of 3.years and now he is back saying that children come from God that he will be patient with me and all this happen since i contacted the powerful spell caster and he is very nice and also genuine in his work contact him on {[email protected]} for your own help..
Just think how old is Bulgaria and how much our nation saw… we are Bulgaria since 681 .We never change our name we never lose a flag in a battle.. but that is history. 1335 years later we (everybody – the humans) are fucked up … forgot why we live… forgot what is love … forgot to feel good and WHAT IS TO FEEL GOOD. We loose our time doing this here. Im so sad to read those things here. WE ARE PEOPLE ! WE ARE HUMANS ! EVERYBODY IS A PERSON ! EVERYBODY NEEDS LOVE ! WE LIVE IN ONE HOME – EARTH ! EVERY FUCKING WORD IN THIS FUCKING PAGE IS A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME U FUCKS ! TRY FOR A SECOND TO LOVE EACH OTHER FOR NO REASON !!! THEN MAKE A PAGE CALLED “WERE WERE WE” AND RIGHT WHAT U LEARN
Just think how old is Bulgaria and how much our nation saw… we are Bulgaria since 681 .We never change our name we never lose a flag in a battle.. but that is history. 1335 years later we (everybody – the humans) are fucked up … forgot why we live… forgot what is love … forgot to feel good and WHAT IS TO FEEL GOOD. We loose our time doing this here. Im so sad to read those things here. WE ARE PEOPLE ! WE ARE HUMANS ! EVERYBODY IS A PERSON ! EVERYBODY NEEDS LOVE ! WE LIVE IN ONE HOME – EARTH ! EVERY FUCKING WORD IN THIS FUCKING PAGE IS A FUCKING WASTE OF TIME U FUCKS ! TRY FOR A SECOND TO LOVE EACH OTHER FOR NO REASON !!! THEN MAKE A PAGE CALLED “WERE WERE WE” AND WRITE WHAT U LEARNED FROM LOVE. STUPID FUCKS … U R SO DUMB PEOPLE I PRAY FOR U !
Bulgarians are nice people and are interesting and very intelligent.
John Van Hof thank you for the support here
Hello every body,
I’m Sara from Canada, Thank you Dr Andrew for the Retrieve a Love Spell you casted for me and I’d like to thank you for it. My ex and I have been back together for a month now and it’s been even better than before. I think this time it’s forever We’ve been talking of moving in together and maybe getting married in the future. Things between us are great, i thank you for helping to bring him back to me. After our times apart we’ve learned to appreciate each other more and not take anything for granted. Thank you. ([email protected]) after trying and falling through other spell casters and witch doctors i had lost hope but i thank you for handling and solving my problems.I can’t imagine my business is doing better than i thought and i will always live to praise you.If you have any problem contact Dr Andrew and he will be of great help to you. Email: [email protected]
I'm Lilian from United State, I am so proud and happy to be out here sharing this remarkable, awesome and extraordinary review of your work Dr Ogute. I just can't believe this now my ex lover is really back to me today, my love was knees presenting begging me to take him back and he was feeling regretful and sorry for leaving me and for causing me pains after he left me which was 3 year ago. on a faithful day i was browse looking for solution on line, i saw so many testimonial about Dr Ogute how he help so many people to restore relationship back, After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 24 hours, my ex lover came back to me. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than ever.Dr.Ogute you are a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster,Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. you can contact him on [email protected]com ,i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my love, Thanks for Dr.Ogute His email: [email protected]
Good day,
I Am Williams Jose from United States Of America, I want to quickly write on a Powerful Love spell Caster that helped me when i had a misunderstanding with my wife which leads to Divorced, I contacted this Powerful Love spell caster for help and He actually helped me without running away with my money. I am So Happy and Excited because as i am writing this Testimony, My wife is madly in love with me again. If there is anybody Out there who is in Difficulties and need help should kindly Contact DR SHEDI on His Private Email ID and he is Ready to Help you no matter the Situation, Here is His Valid Email ID: [email protected] )or([email protected]) and You can also reach him on his website http://drshedicenter.webs.com//
Good day,
I Am Williams Jose from United States Of America, I want to quickly write on a Powerful Love spell Caster that helped me when i had a misunderstanding with my wife which leads to Divorced, I contacted this Powerful Love spell caster for help and He actually helped me without running away with my money. I am So Happy and Excited because as i am writing this Testimony, My wife is madly in love with me again. If there is anybody Out there who is in Difficulties and need help should kindly Contact DR SHEDI on His Private Email ID and he is Ready to Help you no matter the Situation, Here is His Valid Email ID: [email protected] )or([email protected]) and You can also reach him on his website http://drshedicenter.webs.com//
Good day,
I Am Williams Jose from United States Of America, I want to quickly write on a Powerful Love spell Caster that helped me when i had a misunderstanding with my wife which leads to Divorced, I contacted this Powerful Love spell caster for help and He actually helped me without running away with my money. I am So Happy and Excited because as i am writing this Testimony, My wife is madly in love with me again. If there is anybody Out there who is in Difficulties and need help should kindly Contact DR SHEDI on His Private Email ID and he is Ready to Help you no matter the Situation, Here is His Valid Email ID: [email protected] )or([email protected]) and You can also reach him on his website http://drshedicenter.webs.com//
What’s wrong with you people? All humans are all the same no matter what part of this small fragile planet you live on. Some good some bad some good and bad. Take a look in the mirror and a small part of every society will be reflected. That’s how the brain works. That’s called collective conscience. Unless your born with mirrors instead of eyes.
It is ignorant and closed minded to say that all bulgarian men are terrible and what not. I have dated my bulgarian boyfriend for quite awhile now and could not complain. He is the most gracious, loving, and sweet boyfriend a girl could ask for. Yes, he does have some old-fashioned qualities….but he respects my ambition and drive to succeed. In fact, never have loved a man as much as I do him. I’ve had a couple of unhealthy, toxic, and abusive relationships and that literally broke me down. I met him after, wounded and depressed and he definitely helped me repair my self-confidence and sadness. Its funny because he does comment about how Americans have a specific trait & I always tease him about Bulgarians having a certain quality. However, we both know better.
Of course every culture is different with dynamical people of diverse personalities. However, you definitely can’t group one attribute to a culture (with numerous amount of individuals each pertaining their own personality). That’s like saying the british all have bad teeth or all americans are stupid. It’s simply not true. All countries have possessive, vulgar people as well as remarkable and amazing people.
I honestly can say this- so far I've met good people from your country. They're very nice to me as well. Made me feel as Im not a stranger but someone closer.
My name is kiala from USA My husband and I were happy as far as I could tell and I never thought that we would break up. When his cousin died in a tragic car accident he went back to London for a week to be with his family. I could not go because I was in the middle of entertaining out of town clients for work. He did not seem to be upset that I could not go so I let him be. The next thing that I know, he reconnected with an old friend from high school that he had a crush on years ago and they started to have an affair! I had no clue what was going on until a month after he came back from London.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. I confronted him and he told me the truth about what happened. We broke up and went our separate ways. Neither of us fought for our relationship. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. Then after about a month of not speaking to him I became sad. I wanted him to tell me that he wanted to be with me and not her. I contacted DR.mujahid for a love spell and he totally helped me! he was able to get him to miss me to where he wanted to get back together again. He had a lot of regrets and felt bad for not fighting to keep me and for cheating in general. He values our relationship so much more now and we are together now! You can also get your lover back with the help of DR.mujahid contact him through his email: [email protected] whatsapp +27848769466 or call +27731168141
I want to use this great medium to thank LORD MASUKA for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he dumped me for 3 months .My boyfriend breakup with me because he see another girl at his church and told me he is no longer want me and live me in pain and heart break.I seek for help on the internet and i saw so many good talk about this great spell caster LORD MASUKA of [email protected] and i contacted him also and explain my problems to him and he cast a love spell for me which i use to get back my boyfriend within the period of 3 days and i am so grateful to him for the good work he has done for me,that is why i also want to let everyone who is in need of help out there to also seek help from him so he can help.His email is [email protected] or [email protected] or call +2347053105287 or view and contact him on his website:
http://lordmasukalovespelltemple.webs.com you can contact for any kind of help and he will help you. And you can also reach him on facebook Harry Masuka or Skype Lord masuka
I want to use this great medium to thank LORD MASUKA for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he dumped me for 3 months .My boyfriend breakup with me because he see another girl at his church and told me he is no longer want me and live me in pain and heart break.I seek for help on the internet and i saw so many good talk about this great spell caster LORD MASUKA of [email protected] and i contacted him also and explain my problems to him and he cast a love spell for me which i use to get back my boyfriend within the period of 3 days and i am so grateful to him for the good work he has done for me,that is why i also want to let everyone who is in need of help out there to also seek help from him so he can help.His email is [email protected] or [email protected] or call +2347053105287 or view and contact him on his website:
http://lordmasukalovespelltemple.webs.com you can contact for any kind of help and he will help you. And you can also reach him on facebook Harry Masuka or Skype Lord masuka
I want to use this great medium to thank LORD MASUKA for helping me to get my boyfriend back after he dumped me for 3 months .My boyfriend breakup with me because he see another girl at his church and told me he is no longer want me and live me in pain and heart break.I seek for help on the internet and i saw so many good talk about this great spell caster LORD MASUKA of [email protected] and i contacted him also and explain my problems to him and he cast a love spell for me which i use to get back my boyfriend within the period of 3 days and i am so grateful to him for the good work he has done for me,that is why i also want to let everyone who is in need of help out there to also seek help from him so he can help.His email is [email protected] or [email protected] or call +2347053105287 or view and contact him on his website:
http://lordmasukalovespelltemple.webs.com you can contact for any kind of help and he will help you. And you can also reach him on facebook Harry Masuka or Skype Lord masuka
My name is Ruth Moore from uk. I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is DR.OYINBO he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is [email protected]
i never believed that i could finally get back the happiness
and the love that was gone after my husband left me totally.
I couldn't just believe that spells and magic could turn my
thoughts and my dreams into reality in getting back with my
husband after he served me with divorce papers.. my ex
husband after the divorce never showed up to me and the
kids anymore, he finally made up his mind on me and said it
was over. 2 years after our divorce, i was still out trying to
get him back and i did all that i knew best could make him
happy, and my mum and everybody around just advised i
should forget about him and move on with my life, because
they felt he was gone forever and was never gonna return.
But i never gave up on trying to get him back, because i so
much loved him beyond what anybody could ever imagine. I
met a spell caster, and what drew my attention most was the
fact that this spell caster was presently here in Florida when
i contacted him. And that so much gave me the assurance
because i have heard much more on how he has helped a
lot of people… and with the help that this spell caster
rendered to me, he saved my marriage and reunited me
and my ex husband back together again with his powerful
spells. Thank you so much Dr.ituafelice for your help in
reuniting me and my husband again, if not for you, my life
would have permanently turned out to be a mess. His Email;
[email protected] or whatsapp +2349034078636 now
I want those that feel lost, hurt, not appreciated, worthless; no matter what you do you are never complete. Am here to tell you about a great man that help me restore my family. Am Abigal and am based in Australia . Everything was going on fine with me and my husband until suddenly things started changing my marriage now became a night mare my husband now became very abusive, disrespectful and was alcoholic. It was like the world Is crashing down on me he lost his job and it was hard to for us to pay our bills he drove me out of the house with our son and I went to stay with a friend. To cut it short I was introduced to this great man Dr Ewulu who I narrated everything and he told me to have faith that soon he will be normal I believe him because I love my husband and I want him to come back to his senses . DR Ewulu helped me restore my family and took the shame off our eyes. Now my husband is working in a good company and we are living well I just want to say a big thank you to DR Ewulu for everything for is support I will always appreciate him. If you need help you can reach him via his email : [email protected]
hello guys….I want to share this with you all…nowadays I have started chatting with a Bulgarian girl….we chat on kik…I am an indian …whenever we meet online…she asks for money….she says that she doesn’t has money to buy a food….I gave her many solutions but she is not open to me…what should I do….I am confused…..she has money for internet but not for food…what should I do…help me
tell that gold digger to kill herself
There’s a series of YouTube videos called “Scamalot” – you might want to check them out for some ideas on how to reply to such “Nigerian princes”, “Bulgarian girls” or whatever else they’re pretending to be. 😉
Bogomila dear : if your level of english at 15 shows the education standards in Bulgaria it says a great deal ! I'm a teacher in Spain and one of the nicest persons I've ever met was a Bulgarian student. Just be your own nice self and forget about stereotypes ! Best wishes.
What a wonderful spell caster that has brought back Husband to my life, I am Troy Justine from Ohio, When I eventually found testimonies about this spell caster Dr.Ken, how he helped many people to get their lovers and broken homes back, i contacted him through because I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought love spell could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with Dr Ken, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage back. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what this great spell caster have done for me, his help is priceless! I don’t know what I would have done without Dr.Ken, He does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on when it comes to all kinds of spell in the intents, I was floored that his spells worked, if you need help, contact him on [email protected] or call +2348109756444
Hello my name is Maya Hudson Thanks to all those out there who in one way or the other has been able to let the world know about this powerful spell caster called Dr.Candova I was just searching the internet for some stuff then i came across an article about how Dr.Candova was able to save and restore broken relationship. Before i came across the article i have been facing hard times in my marriage since my husband packed his things out of the house, So i contacted Dr.Candova through these details via email:[email protected] and Tel:08131612153 that i copied out of the article. I must say that contacting him was really worth it because through the help of Dr.Candova my husband came back home and was pleading for our reunion. If you are interested in reaching Dr.Candova contact him now through email:[email protected] and Tel:08131612153.
Bulgaria is a great country and my people are fun, ever surprising and good natured. My advise to all foreigners is if you fear it then stay away, for those that are brave, go and enjoy yourself. I sure do, and I can’t wait to be back in my beautiful country.
Hi um I think im kinda out of place in this because well i’m mexican and
I wanted to make sure that well when I take my family there I want them to have fun and not deal with the bigots and racist in america.(not all people are SOME are) and well I read the comments and I don’t know if I go to Bulgaria if I’d be accepted that’s what I really want to know if I’d be ok and not have to deal with what I deal with in america. I know people are who they are but i’m hoping people are less judgementale in Bulgaria.
(sorry for misspelling)
I can’t really speak for all Bulgarians (every person is different, as evident from all the comments here so far), but I’ve heard mentions a few times about how similar Mexicans and Bulgarians are. Probably because we both have rather “Southern” temperaments. I’ve personally met only a couple of Mexicans (living in California, but born and raised in Mexico) and they’re pretty great people and I think they had a very good time here. I hope you did as well, if you decided to give Bulgaria a chance!
ebi si maikata, mursho
> ebi si maikata, mursho
This (and most other replies to Leanna) only proves she is right…
Stranger how when I say I’m American or any Westerner all girls are very receptive and interested in having a conversation. If I say I’m Bulgarian, they act cold to me, give short answers and stop being friendly and interested in dating me. So apparently women are the same everwhere and men are the same as well. Dutch, British, Scandinavians, Italians, and especially the French shun me the moment I say I come from Bulgaria. Everyone needs love, but why European women treat a Bulgarian man as undateable? I know many languages, have Western diplomas and for what? To be treated like scum by the Nazi-like Dutch and French people I’ve met that act like I’m dirty and smelly? Most Europeans are cold and xenophobic people, this I know! The New world societies are much more accepting!
Russians and other slavic people like Czechs and Slovaks, and also the BeNeLux, France and Scandinavians are the rudest and coldest people I’ve ever met. It’s like they’re incapable of warmth. Latin American people are the opposite of that.
Sincerely speaking, i always thought i could never find a legitimate hacker until a friend introduced me to this Russian hacker who helped hack into my ex husbands facebook, whatsapp and sms under 8hours.He is a professional who also track calls,changing school grades,clearing online records(bad driving and criminal records) to mention a few.
This is for those who really need help. Contact: [email protected]
Appreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some time out to thank some one who cured me of my 5 years HEPATITIS B problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for a solution and I came across a post of Dr Iyoha and how he has been helping people of the same problem I contacted him and told him all I have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me and that my HEPATITIS B problem was gone that is why I have come out today to say thank you to him and for any problem either from man or woman. Contact him on [email protected] or Call : +1 (407) 337-9869
My Dear friends online, My name is Amanda Bella And i live in USA, ohio, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is Doctor Jude. I email the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happen, less than two days my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me i was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that am pregnant. Thanks to Doctor Jude for saving my marriage and for also saving others own too. Continue your good work, If you are interested to contact the great spell caster email address: [email protected] or contact him on whats-app +2348034062173
Obviously this is a blog and everyone has different opinions obviously.I’ve been around the world literally twice in my life and I’d never trade that experience for anything.I spent three months at each location not to judge anyone or label them, but instead understand their cultures.Its a shame that many visit other countries and put their brand of being judge,jury,and execuetioner, according to them.I’m a retired American and I’ve lived in Bulgaria for over 15 years now,and yes I’ve made many real friends.What I like about Bulgaria is the devercity of it’s people.As far as Bulgarian men being dogs,that’s universal, however I’m not of the canine variety.I don’t have any answers in life,nor will I ever.My biggest wish for humanity is they genuinely care more about each other.I know my wish will never come true in my lifetime.People will be people and they’ll sometimes do things not so nice.But regardless of the outcome enjoy life to the fullest because everyone has only one chance and then it’s over.There’s so many angry people around the world,no secret.But someday people may need that person they’ve been at odds with,in a crisis.Bad experiences from the past tend to follow many throughout life unfortunately,and I’ve been guilty of lingering on past disappointments that’s happened in my life.I see my past disappointments as lessons learned in my life.Thanks for reading my post. John
Bulgaria is a great country with terrible people living there. Bulgarians are closed-minded, judgemental and very aggressive. It’s in their DNA. Too sad, really. I am bulgarian and I’m very proud of it but only because of our past. So if u want to visit this beautiful country be prepared to be judged if you look/dress/act different from bulgarian stereotype. It’s slowly sinking..
I am of the same opinion after living in Bulgaria for 18months and dated a Bulgarian who at first was charming but turned into a controlling aggressive pig who was manipulative and greedy and who beat me regularly while the Bulgarian community turned a blind eye and the police did nothing
I married a Bulgarian and I can say the most narcissistic man I am ever with, not worth a single drop of love for it.