
One of most crazy place in the Earth is Australia. Certainly one of the most beautiful too… Every country has their own stereotypes, but nothing infuriates Australians as a badly scripted tourist campaigns and pop culture references of Australia and its people. Allow us to dismiss some of these rumours and myths and explaining what’s really going on there…

Riding Kangaroos

Let’s start with the most obvious , riding Kangaroos. No! None of the Australians ride Kangaroos anywhere in Australia and we certainly can’t fit into their pouches. We do love eating them though.

Riding Kangoroos
Riding Kangaroos

Deadly Animals

Yes Australia is home to some of the deadliest creatures in the world, including venomous snakes, spiders, and ferocious predators such as sharks and saltwater crocodiles, but the risks they pose have been largely exaggerated. In Australia, since 1979, nobody has died from a spider bite; there have only been three reported deaths caused by a Blue Ringed Octopus in the last century; there are on average less than two snake deaths per year; in 2015 there were only two reported fatalities due to shark attacks; and since 1883 box jellyfish have only been responsible for 64 deaths. There you go! Just remember to not annoy or scare them and you will live to see another day. Although, drop bears are real.. NOT!

Deadly Animals
Deadly Animals

Australian is one big desert

While a large portion of Australia can be described as the outback, more than 80 per cent of the population live within 50-100 kilometres from the coast in urban areas and built up cities.

Australian is one big desert
Australian is one big desert


Australia prides itself on being successfully multicultural, with 26 per cent of the population born overseas and hundreds of languages spoken and faiths represented. Melbourne is home to the largest Greek population of any city outside Greece and the country often celebrates Chinese, European and American holidays as well as Harmony Day each March 21st, which celebrates cultural diversity.


Koalas are bears

Listen people, Koalas are not bears. In fact, they are not even distantly related. Like kangaroos and Tasmanian devils, they are marsupials (carrying their young in pouches). Perhaps the only thing they have in common with bears is their propensity for sleep, but even bears couldn’t possibly match them in this.

Koalas are bears

All Aussies are fit and tan

Well I am sure all Aussies wish this is at least true but the truth is that Australia is one of the most obese countries in the world. in 2015 Australia was listed in the top 30 most obese countries in the world. As for tanned, Australia is exposed to harmful UV radiation, which has resulted in public awareness campaigns on sun cancer, encouraging pale to be the new tan.

Fits and Tan…
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