There are some kool-edgy-arty British with open-minded brains, whom adore adventure & discovery. These souls cannot be typicalized as they have a legit uniqueness about them.
BUT mostly you’ll find this in Britain:
- Neanderthal football lovers.
- Constant football arguements.
- Football shouting.
- People watching football everywhere.
- People talking about how much football players earn (whilst sitting in a pub).
- Mono-tone voices about the weather.
- Same People talking about the same thing.
- Not much originality.
- Too many brick houses.
- Fashion from whichever popstar is big.
- School-boy humour which isn’t funny.
- That guy you’ll find in every bar that shouts at the tv football “Go On Son”!
- Grey skies & dull scenery.
- One day is sunny & suddenly ‘everyone’ says stupid things like “Oh it’s just like Spain now” or “This could be the Caribbean with this weather”..
- I can tell you right now, England is not like those places.
- Seasides will make you cringe & are very dated (not in the shabby chic style)
- Moany voices moaning.
- Kids & teenagers unmotivated.
- Lack of interesting anything.
- If your even slightly different then all the Neanderthal’s can’t comprehend what’s happening & call you “gay”.
- This covers all towns & areas.
- Albeit London does not abide by ‘all’ these stereo-types.
- People shouting “Oi dick head”.
- People smirking & huffing.
- Queuing is an issue, there seems to always be a queue for something.
- People are easily swayed & generally are ‘passive’.
- The gorgeous country restraurants & pubs are ruined by the idiots inside them.
- ‘Chavs’ exist everywhere.
- Instead of winning the lottery & travelling the world, a typical Brit would win the lotto & go to the pub to show off in-front of more small town people.
I hope this helps.
P.s. Go to the States & have some real fun!
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